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To produce high quality fiber from happy, healthy animals.


Our protective herd mom, our sole mama llama- Rainbow!

Our Story

A New Beginning
Fall of 2018
A Family Affair
Spring of 2019
A Starter Pack
Fall of 2019
A Happy Herd
Present Day

We purchased our farm in the fall of 2018. Owning a farm had always been a dream of ours. When the property went up for sale, we just knew it was meant for our family. The home and barns were in desperate need of updating and repair, but we decided to take on the challenge. Our goal was to restore it to a working farm. 

In the spring of 2019 we were enjoying a great dinner while watching March Madness. Our kids and a dear friend had joined us for an afternoon of excitement and action since MSU had made it to the final four.


While watching and enjoying our wonderful feast, we shared our interest in getting our newly purchased home back to a working farm. My family remembered how we absolutely loved alpacas and they too loved the gentleness of these beautiful creatures.


Over many years of being involved in 4H with our daughters, we had fallen in love with these gentle creatures. Each year, visiting the 4H alpaca barn was a "must do". Thus, when this farm became a reality, alpacas seemed like a natural choice.


Well, one thing led to another, and we began describing what our dream alpaca farm might look like. Our friend said she would love to be involved, our children were very supportive, and... our alpaca farm was born. Our partnership was formed, not with a handshake, but with hugs. 

We spent that spring and summer investigating what it would take to make our dreams come together. After visiting many farms and doing our research, we decided to work with another area farm to purchase our first three girls. We also knew that we would need to provide protection for these precious animals. Not yet ready for another dog (we already have three!) we decided on a guard llama. The search began.

 Not far from our farm was a llama that had recently lost its mate and was lonely. Alpacas and llamas are pack animals. They do not flourish on their own. In fact, they can have severe health issues and even die from loneliness. To thrive, these animals need to be in a pack of three or more. 


So this beautiful llama’s needs met our needs - the decision was easy. Rainbow became our guard. She is so regal and loves her pack mates. She keeps a close eye on them and keeps them near when danger is lurking. Best of all, the alpacas respect her.

We brought home our first alpacas in September of 2019, just a year after moving in. We began with one llama and eight alpacas.

Today we are a herd of 22! Our farm welcomed three babies this past summer, and we couldn't be more in love.


Alpacas are curious, gentle, quiet, and often humorous to watch. We love taking care of them and are grateful to have the opportunity and responsibility to increase their health, fiber, and happiness. 


Our farm is named after our incredible guard llama, Rainbow, who watches over her herd like a protective mom. We receive great joy in caring for our alpacas and can not wait to share this experience with you!

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